Who is the spiritual leader in the home?: The Husband Journal entry number 21A

Botanical Gardens 002Who is the spiritual leader in the home?

For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior.
I believe strongly that this verse really hits the nail on the head.  The husband is the spiritual leader of the home.  I can only give you examples from my life of what that may look like.
We moved recently to a new town and were looking at finding a new home church.  We visited many.  I know my husband discussed this with me at length, but ultimately he made the decision on the church we were going to attend.
Most recently, my husband wanted to foster children.  I just didn’t feel anything from the Lord regarding this decision. My husband pressed and pressed til I finally was like okay………I don’t understand, but let’s move forward.  My husband was getting the leading from the Lord not me.  I was scared to death we were going down the wrong path because I never got an inkling from the Lord.
Well it turns out that when the children came into the home, the Lord gave me affirmation that this was His will for us.
I have never experienced that before having to totally depend on my husband on a major life decision.  Before, we both had peace from the Lord on life decisions and moved forward.
Hard financial decisions are ultimately decided by my husband.  It doesn’t mean that I don’t get to have a say.  A wife is to help with weighing in on how these decisions will impact the family. But at the end, my husband is the one who makes the final decision.

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