Communicating with Your Husband: The Husband Journal Entry Three

This is just my experience, but I tell my husband everything that I do.  That includes where I am going and what my plans are for the day.  I tell him my to-do list and what I plan to accomplish.

I find that sometimes he has other plans.  Occasionally, he wants me to accomplish things along with him rather than what I set out to do.  That is fine with me because often the Lord has plans for me other than what I think I need to do.

I look at the following verse which I believe tells me that I should acknowledge my husband first with my plans and change them if needed according to the scripture below.

Proverbs 3:6 [Full Chapter]

In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
Of course, this verse is really talking about God.  Pray to God first and acknowledge him with your plans and he will make your path straight.  That is truth.  But it also applies to our husbands.  Acknowledge your husband first with your plans because he will guide you along the way.

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